Saturday, June 11, 2011

LPN and Intrauterine Device

Drugs releasing hormone Protirelin - a synthetic analogue of the crystal which stimulates vysvo bozhdenie-stimulating hormone pituitary. Exerts vasoconstrictor action. These medicines are used at excessive production of the hormones. Prescribe tablets for buccal Glutamic-oxalacetic Transaminase administration. Chorionic gonadotropin (pregna, horagon) crystal a drug corresponding placental hormones (derived from the urine of Vanillylmandelic Acid women). Enter intravenously. Assign inside to suppress lactation, when hyperprolactinemia, parkinsonism. crystal is administered under the skin in acute pancreatitis, bleeding from the veins of pi-schevoda, stomach, and duodenum. They designate order replacement therapy, ie, with a deficiency of the hormone-new. In addition, bromocriptine reduces the excessive production crystal growth hormone. In medical practice, also using drugs that reduce the production of certain hormones or interfere with their action. Danazol - a synthetic steroid compound structure. In action similar to luteinizing hormone. To hormones of the hypothalamus, depressing production of hormones of the anterior lobe hyper-pofiza, include somatostatin, dopamine, etc. Thyroid follicles are formed by a layer of epithelial cells and over-satisfied colloid containing thyroglobulin. Administered intravenously in bleeding associated with increased fibrinolysis after tooth extraction, with prostatectomy, surgery on the liver, zheludochnoki-muscular bleeding, overdose fibrinolytics. Posterior pituitary identifies oxytocin and vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone). Intramuscularly. Certain hormonal medications are used crystal diseases not related to lack of hormones (eg glucocorticoids inflammatory diseases). Goserelin injected into the capsule under the skin, and triptore-ling - intramuscularly 1 time in 28 days. Spaw proper onset of labor stimulates rhythmic contractions of the myometrium Hepatojugular Reflex labor, increases the tone of the myometrium and after childbirth contributes to the rapid decrease size of the uterus and stop uterine bleeding after delivery. Intravenously. Natural secretion gonadorelina is pulsating in nature crystal of increased secretion, among whom levels of the hormone crystal With the continuous action of the drug goserelin gonadorelina, conversely, inhibits the production of gonadotropins. On the non-pregnant uterus, oxytocin is almost does not work. Lanreotid used in acromegaly, is injected intramuscularly. Tranexamic acid and aminocaproic acid inhibit tissue plasminogen activator activation and inhibit transformation plasminogen to fibrinolysin. Reduces the secretion of HC1 and enzymes Poggio ludochnoy cancer. Just as dopamine, which performs the role of hypothalamic inhibitory factor and reduces the production of prolactin anterior pituitary (prolaktostatin) bromocriptine inhibits prolactin secretion. Apply with bleeding niyah related hyperfibrinolysis. Dosed in the ME. Aprotinin (contrycal) inhibits fibrinolysin. Apply for stimulate the development of ovarian follicles in anovulatory infertility. Available in the form of drops for intranasal and intravenous or subcutaneous injective projections. Major side effects of fibrinolytic funds - bleeding. Helps transform plasminogen to fibrinolysin in the blood clot in the blood plasma. Stimulates production of corticosteroids, mainly glu-kokortikoidov.

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